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Radio Publique Africaine
“La voix des sans voix”

Cette réfugiée de Nakivale veut retourner à l’école

Elle affirme qu’elle a fui le Burundi après l’assassinat de son père en 2019. U.E indique qu’elle a un niveau de 5ème année primaire mais qu’elle voudrait poursuivre ses études.

A tomato seller : 'My profits fill my food ration'

Béatrice Mukarurangwa has been trading tomatoes, onions and bananas for two years in the Nakivale refugee camp. She says she earns little.

This girl from Nakivale camp wishes to go back to school

She says she fled Burundi after her father's assassination in 2019. U.E says she was in fifth form of primary school but would like to resume her studies. The 16-year-old girl is unable to continue her education at the moment because her mother is unable to pay her school fees.

Beverage business in Nakivale : Arthur’s capital tripled in less than a year

Some Burundian refugees in the Nakivale camp in Uganda have started a drink business in bars. This is the case with Arthur who saw his capital tripled in a few months.

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